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RI Institute for Labor Studies and Research Awarded U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching Sub-Grant

Published July 29, 2024


The Institute for Labor Studies and Research, in partnership with the RI AFL-CIO, the RI Federation of Teachers & Health Professionals and the National Education Association/RI, is pleased to announce the receipt of a $1.1 Million Dollar Apprenticeship sub-grant from the US Department of Labor.  This substantial Sub-grant award is part of Building Futures’ $3.7 Million US Department of Labor Apprenticeship Hub grant.  This funding, together with the support of our partners from the RI AFL-CIO, the RIFTHP, NEARI, RI College and Labor Management Teams from 5 RI school districts  (Central Falls, Cranston, East Providence, Pawtucket and West Warwick) will enable us to build on the work the Institute has been doing for 15 years to train and place highly qualified Teacher Assistants in RI schools and the RIFTHP led Pathway to Teaching Program for high school students.  The ILSR will serve as the Sub-grant recipient and will manage the Apprenticeship grant on behalf of the partnership.  

Over the next four years, these funds will be used to support ILSR trained Teacher Assistants in becoming fully certified teachers. As Bob Delaney, ILSR Executive Director notes, “The Institute has been training Teacher Assistants for over 15 years. Over the last few years we have learned how many of the Teacher Assistants we’ve trained at the ILSR want to become certified teachers as well as the barriers that often stand in their way.  Many of our TAs have Bachelor’s or Advanced degrees from other countries but need to complete course and field work to become certified to teach.  Others have years of successful experience as TAs but cannot afford to leave their jobs to complete certification requirements.  This grant will enable the Institute to expand our support for these individuals through a rigorous Apprenticeship program that will include course completion through RI College, on-the-job field experience through gradually increased responsibility and compensation, and Mentor support from our district and organizational partners.”

The RI Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching proposed by the partners and funded by this grant will play a significant role in developing a diverse pool of well trained and supported teachers for our RI students.  According to Colleen Callahan, Ed.D., recently retired Director of Professional Issues for the RIFTHP and the lead author of the Sub-grant proposal, “Many of our school districts, particularly our urbans, are facing teacher shortages, often leaving vacancies in critical subject areas like Math, Science and Special Education. This grant will enable us to support currently employed Teacher Assistants, many of whom come from the communities in which they work and reflect the student population they work with, in becoming the fully certified teachers our students and communities need.  

The awarding of this grant is significant, not just for the DOL’s investment in our RI Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching initiative, but in recognition of its strong partnerships.   “The RI AFL-CIO, the RI Institute for Labor Studies and Research, the RIFTHP, NEARI, RI College and Superintendents and Union Presidents from 5 RI districts have come together to support high school students and Teacher Assistants in becoming well-prepared teachers for our RI schools,” said George Nee, RI AFL-CIO President and Chair of the ILSR Board of Directors.  “This is a great opportunity for our ILSR trained Teacher Assistants to enter an Apprenticeship in Teaching Program which will allow them to work towards their RI teacher certification while remaining employed as TAs, earn wage increases while they learn and complete certification requirements. We look forward to working with our partners and Building Futures on this important initiative.'”

The Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching grant will be spread over 4 years, allowing the partners to start the program with a small cohort of 10 – 15 Apprentices during the 2024-25 school year and expand and strengthen it each year. Based on the needs of RI districts and the interest shown by current Teacher Assistants, the partners feel confident this program will benefit our current and future members as well as the students and school districts in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island Institute for Labor Studies & Research

1540 Pontiac Ave, Suite A

Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: 401.463.9900  |  Fax: 401.463.8190



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